Over the past twenty years, we have advised hundreds of companies and trained thousands of B2B professionals on how to design, maintain, and innovate high-value relationships.

Individuals and small teams can learn the Triple Fit method best in the inspiring setting of one of our Triple Fit Starter Package programs, delivered together with our expert coaching team.

The Triple Fit Starter Package serves as a customer training before proceeding with a broader action-learning approach specifically designed for their needs.

Contact us

Triple Fit Starter Package

Triple Fit Starter Package Solo
Triple Fit Starter Package Team
Digital Triple Fit Canvas Subscription

The Triple Fit Starter Package includes 3 months subscription to the Digital Triple Fit Canvas (DTFC), which is an intuitive digital tool to support and enhance the 5-step Triple Fit process and build an unlimited number of One-page account plans. It is the business roadmap to (more) successful B2B relationships:

– Establish a 360-degree perspective on value creation
– Identify cost savings and efficiencies
– Unlock profitable growth opportunities
– Develop industry game-changers
– Implement strategy at the frontline
– Work with remote team members and across time zones
– Keep track of value creation initiatives 24/7

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Triple Fit Pit Stops with Basic Introduction

The Triple Fit Starter Package includes a basic introduction to the Digital Triple Fit Canvas including 3 Pit Stops which focus on best practices in instrumentalizing the Triple Fit Canvas together with your customer/s with support from our expert team of coaches.

Professionals and their Executive Sponsors and Leaders implementing the Triple Fit Growth Cycle

3 regular reviews of 30 minutes each for Quick-Win Action achievements and updates of Triple Fit Canvases after 30, 60, and 90 days (= 1 Triple Fit Cycle)

Entry Pass to the Value Creation Summit Event

Our annual networking event, the Value Creation Summit on Friday, September 16, 2022 at Presswerk Hall, Arbon, Switzerland.

After years of uncertainty, many companies can’t wait to get back on the growth track. The Value Creation Summit 2022 delivers answers on:

  • How to break the buyer-seller trap when facing more automated purchasing processes than ever before
  • How to find common ground for value creation beyond obvious product-centric value propositions
  • How to master the transformation to the new reality of sales and find sustainable ways to stay close to customers when the world is in constant crisis mode

We will also help you develop and test new ideas for accelerating growth beyond economic cycles. On top of that, we will also feature insights from our latest Triple Fit research and practice in a lively and inspiring format including ample time for networking with peers.

Program Agenda
Triple Fit Starter Package Team
Digital Triple Fit Canvas Subscription

The Triple Fit Starter Package includes 3 months subscription to the Digital Triple Fit Canvas (DTFC), which is an intuitive digital tool to support and enhance the 5-step Triple Fit process and build an unlimited number of One-page account plans. It is the business roadmap to (more) successful B2B relationships:

– Establish a 360-degree perspective on value creation
– Identify cost savings and efficiencies
– Unlock profitable growth opportunities
– Develop industry game-changers
– Implement strategy at the frontline
– Work with remote team members and across time zones
– Keep track of value creation initiatives 24/7

Learn More
Triple Fit Pit Stops with Basic Introduction

The Triple Fit Starter Package Team includes a Basic Introduction to ‘DTFC Professional’ of 3 hours to create the first digital Triple Fit Canvases and 3 Pit Stops which focus on best practices in instrumentalizing the Triple Fit Canvas together with your customer/s with support from our expert team of coaches.

Professionals and their Executive Sponsors and Leaders implementing the Triple Fit Growth Cycle

3 regular reviews of 60 minutes each for Quick-Win Action achievements and updates of Triple Fit Canvases after 30, 60, and 90 days (= 1 Triple Fit Cycle)

Entry Pass to the Value Creation Summit Event

Our annual networking event, the Value Creation Summit on Friday, September 16, 2022 at Presswerk Hall, Arbon, Switzerland.

After years of uncertainty, many companies can’t wait to get back on the growth track. The Value Creation Summit 2022 delivers answers on:

  • How to break the buyer-seller trap when facing more automated purchasing processes than ever before
  • How to find common ground for value creation beyond obvious product-centric value propositions
  • How to master the transformation to the new reality of sales and find sustainable ways to stay close to customers when the world is in constant crisis mode

We will also help you develop and test new ideas for accelerating growth beyond economic cycles. On top of that, we will also feature insights from our latest Triple Fit research and practice in a lively and inspiring format including ample time for networking with peers.

Program Agenda