Published by Harvard Business Review Press, 2024
Most companies struggle with product-centricity, internal siloes and unclear collaboration roadmaps for value creation with their B2B customers.
This book focuses on what it takes to have a strategic dialogue with your customers and make the shift to customer-centric focus.
We introduce Triple Fit Strategy, a proven framework to align your business strategy with your customer's strategy and turbocharge your growth atleast by a factor of 10 by creating a clear and powerful joint roadmap for successful value creation.
The Triple Fit Canvas takes a holistic view on the different moving parts of a business relationship and has helped hundreds of companies future-proof their business relationships with their most strategic customers.
We invite you to read the book which is based on decades of research and practice, and join us for this extra-ordinary journey to move from value selling to value creation.
Meet the
Christoph Senn
is an Adjunct Professor of Marketing at INSEAD and Co-Director of the INSEAD Marketing & Sales Excellence Initiative (MSEI). His passion is about helping organizations build high-performing business relationships. At INSEAD, Christoph teaches in open enrolment and custom Executive Education Programs. Before joining academia, Christoph held international sales and management roles at Oerlikon-Bührle, Balzers-Leybold Process Systems and Materials Divisions. After his industry time, he founded the St.Gallen University Spin-off AMC, a consulting boutique firm where he is currently acting as Chairman. He is also the Founder and CEO of Valuecreator, a software start-up company dedicated to advancing the practice of value co-creation across industries.
Mehak Gandhi
is currently the Head of Research at Valuecreator, Switzerland and a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at INSEAD Marketing & Sales Excellence Initiative (MSEI) where she is designing and executing research projects to help leading global companies accelerate growth with their strategic customers with B2B collaboration through the Triple Fit digital tools and programs.
Prior to Valuecreator, she has worked at the Research Institute for International Management at the University of St.Gallen.
She holds a Doctoral degree (cum laude) and M.A. in Strategy and International Management (SIM) from the University of St.Gallen.
Inside the Book
Curious to learn more about the Triple Fit Methodology and its possibilities?
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